Joanna Filipowska
Year: 2021/2023
Location: Leuven, Belgium

How Long Does It Take Before I Get Tired?  blank space at CIRKLABO (read more about residency).

The intention is to create a bridge between broadly understood circus art and techniques that explore spatial design with body and materials. Investigate and work with exhaustion from different angles.
Where our bodies can go? What are the limits and 'How Long Does It Take Before I Get Tired?' 

A project that, with its structure, establishes a relationship between artists, old circus equipment, and the community. On the seek for a playful way of finding out our limits ─ when do we get ENOUGH?
It explores possible shifts of feelings and leadership from the stage to the audience, where the key element is scenography translated into a tool.

The concept partially emerges from old circus equipment that suffered from the leak in the circus hall at AFUK (Akademiet for Utæmmet Kreativitet) in Copenhagen, Denmark. Many ropes and trapezes were discharged from use due to the accident. Arriving to reflections on what purpose has our body after it is being fatigued and carried on for too long - due to age, different practices, it's limitation.

This brought to attention the durability aspect of both objects and bodies. If there are things in common?

When do we have ENOUGH.
When do we feel ENOUGH.


Further during the residency with Iara Gueller emerged an idea of using the old equipment partially as a sceongraphy with a possibility of transforming it on stage into a tool. Give it a new purpose.
Is there a purpose after purpose? In a similar way as if you would ask yourself when feeling fatigue ─
what is next?

Aiming to work with characteristics of the equipment and qualities of our bodies underdetermination, and different guest artists.

Developing joint practice, an open discussion in different forms and media.