Year: May, 2022
Location: Leuven, Belgium
How Long Does It Take Before I Get Tired?
Relation-specific performance captured in order to create movement landscapes.
Individual croquis in space.
Individual croquis in space.
One of the topics that appeared during the residency at CIRKLABO in May 2022 is the conversation on the relationship with our bodies. How do we see our bodies. How would you draw yours?
I believe in something like 'memoria corporal' as our bodies store both positive and negative memories such as stress, tensions caused by pain, and emotions. In relation to our bodies, there are countless practices - releasing them, embracing them, or simply - taking them in.
This brought a broader understanding to the ongoing research in the ‘How Long Does It Take Before I Get Tired’ project exploring the durability of both objects and bodies. If they share qualities and characteristics after being carried on for too long.
I would like to take this conversation one step further and create something that me, and others could relate to. To take the challenge of developing a technique that through drawing how we feel about our bodies allows interpret the same information in
A performative tool. To express, record, assemble elements, and tell a story.
A performative tool. To express, record, assemble elements, and tell a story.